Friday, April 2, 2010

God can use you

God has a better way out.....He can not use stubbornness for His work. That is a reason why He has designed a brand new way, only through His son Jesus Christ. Amen!

One of the impacts that usually motivates, is to be in charge of what is little and good for the cause of others and the rest will be history.

It is always a blessing to see changes in the community, region, and a area that you always wanted to see the change.

We can do these for the beauty of Christ by developing little by little until it is completed.

I say it's time to generate the best for our society that we loved the most by taking this initiative by first giving back to the communities.

We can spreaded through out the Mountains and the Island (coastal) that we represented to get the helping. Act for the good of Papua New Guinea development.

Be courage and know that you can do anything for your God and your people.

For His Kingdom,

George - kunai

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